Monday, November 14, 2011
A new Look
Saturday, September 3, 2011
A million riding high with this luxury
Thursday, August 4, 2011
I am a trainer now

This is another turn around in my life. Standing in front of a crowd is a big achievement for me. Yes, on the 20th of July when I received a call confirming my job with TCS, I was overwhelmed with joy not only because I had got a job after a long gap, but also because of the giant leap I had taken in my career. Becoming a trainer was a dream coming true as I had only been admiring that job. I always admired the speaking talents of people who used to speak on a stage with such fluency and command over their topic. This opportunity came by sheer God’s grace who works in ways that we cannot comprehend. I also got the opportunity to lecture to the final year top rank engineering students of Annamalai University in Chidambaram last week. I also had a session for a set of their lectures too. I was a big stage for me as it was the first time I was training on soft skills for such a large audience. But by God’s grace I was able to perform well and got positive reviews from all the students and the factually members. I hope to continue in this profession for as long as I believe that I can strongly contribute to this field of training.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Materializing the dreams of a billion

India finally fulfilled the dreams of a billion by taking the world cup after a gap of 28 years. It was a great achievement by these men. By taking this victory, India’s greatest batsmen Sachin has now added all the feathers onto his cap . This was one thing that was missing in this little man’s great career, but now he is part of this historical event too. This huge victory will be remembered for generations to come. Hope the boys keep this winning streak going and stay on the top position for some time. They should not let this victory sit on them and start playing lousy cricket. They should keep this momentum going and start dominating this game like how the Aussies did for these past several years. Hanging on to that magical No.1 position should be their next goal. But for now I conclude by saying three cheers for their great victory over our neighbors on that great world cup final match.
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It was in the year 2002 that I was wondering “what am I doing in this world “, having no clue as to what so ever after I had got the lea...
With nearly 20 million homeless children, out of which 10 million are girls, India’s future stands at the brink of a lost path. In spite o...