It seemed that I just joined my master’s degree a fort night ago, but all of a sudden it’s all over now. I am afraid that I may not get to see those best days of my life. We had our farewell a couple of weeks ago and as I was busy with my projects I could not write about it. These 2 years of my stay in mcc was an awesome experience which taught me the essence of life. Life took its most wonderful turn and destiny had to say “this is your gift, my son ‘looking at my friends whom I meet there. I was granted with the best of everything, with no want I lead a carefree life. Now that my college days are coming to an end, I feel that life took me in and now has driven me out. Much more than words that can express and emotions that can be felt. Mcc was my mother, and so I say’ Mama I’m Leaving You’. Times gone by seem to be like a dream, and now the reality of life seems to be eating me up. I like to talk about my life and friends, about the whole concept called MCC.
Itch {Krishna): The tallest and the most wanted guy (mostly among the girls) in my class. He was the first person whom I made friends with. We have been together at all times but hardly spoke to each other in class. It was kind of a un usual thing, but we preferred it that way. I stayed with him for a nearly a year having a typical mcc party every night at his roof top house. Now off course things have changed a lot coz we had to become serious about our lives.
Dinesh: Never understood him for nearly a year. But now I know what real friendship is which I learnt from him. A very nice character and a good person to get along with. A good judge of character and never hesitates to teach others if some one approaches him. ill be missing u a lot dude. I wish you a promising future coz I know that you work hard to achieve what you desire in life.
Fenn: The ultimate friend. It’s not easy to understand his life coz its all confusions, I guess even he does not know that. I like to pull his legs always. He is allways ever willing to help you at all times (except if no girl wants him at that time) .A very prayerful person who seeks God at all times.
I want to tell about all my class mates but I am a bit lazy for that. Deeps ( Deepa ) is one person whom ill be missing a lot. Missed her a lot during the last few days and during the farewell as well. She is my best friend I made among the girls. Well there is Rachell, the Journalist but a little stupid at times. A very sweet person. She always wanted to become a journalist. I admire her language skills a lot. Ruth, is one person whom I became close all of a sudden. We had no reasons to become such close friends, but again destiny played its part and now I thank mcc which gave me the opportunity to meet such a lovely person like her. Soumya, her Mallu accent attracted me. Nice friend, very charming person. Juby. Levin, Korean, Peep, Kushi, Sara, Tanya, Snhea, Meena, Janice, Sai, Andrea, all are too good a people for me to loose. But thanks to the new media which keeps all of us connected. Sundar, a very down to earth person, like to crack jokes and associate himself with cinema. A movie freak in short. He will surely become a successful director. Sharanya is one person ill never and I never can for get. I loved her so much and I still do. I've tried to talk to you and make you understand, but all seemed to be in vain. Its not the words I want to hear from you nor it's not that I want you not to say, but if you only knew, how much I loved you, you would never say no to me.
I know life has much more to say, this is not the end, but just a beginning of a new era. Its time to step into the world of reality, I have to hunt for a job and earn a decent living. Have lots to achieve in life. I know that ill succeed soon.
all the best da ....
you know what i've always admired your confidence in life, which i lack at many times da .... good luck
i havent seen such determination in anyone da... I have always wanted to break the conventional way of looking at things, but you are living it...
God will surely bless in your ventures da...
Dinesh, u seem to have a chronic case of low self-confidence.U've been saying that to me from the first sem....But honestly I think u'r quite confident apart from being the most responsible person in class.
Fenn....when did Anand do anything unconventional? Even now he is so polite, shy and considerate about people.
Anand u r such a sweet heart. U r the nicest boy I've come across in my 6 years at our alma mater. But sometimes I wonder if u r too nice as certain 'people' take advantage of that. Anyway here's wishing u all THE VERY BEST in all ur FUTURE ENDEAVOURS as u always act with the BEST INTENTIONS AT HEART
@ rachel
when did i tell you ?
the whole of first sem you bunked college in the name of trainee sub editor at express
the whole of second sem you bunked college in the name of .... err ! never mind and you gave me a call and said you were married ...
when did i ever tell you i suffer chronic case of low self confi !!!
I did'nt say u did have...I said u seem to have. U may be right about me not attending college ...but I distinctly remember u saying U did'nt have sufficient self confidence on three different occasions. Two of which were in the first year.
that clearly makes ur statement false when did u come to college in first year ... ? to be more specific, can u state the instance
mallu accent!! wat the f**k! when?
for your information i speak the Indian English with the malayalee intonation and s for the borrowed language of tamil, i speak it as skillfully as the noisy flowing of the forest stream on the rocky river bed..
Why Soumya r u trying to be poetic about ur voice
i would like to make this clear. this is not the place to fight and bring out ur arguments. but thanks for all ur valuable comments. i value it a lot.
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