Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Top Ten Idyas For An Interview
distant and uninterested, you've already lost 99% of the battle.
2. Be yourself. If you act like someone else and they like you, they don't actually like YOU. They like the person you're pretending to be.
If you end up getting a job there, you won't be able to keep up the facade for very long anyway. Honesty and authenticity are very appealing
characteristics. If both parties stay true to themselves, they'll know if they're right for each other. And in the end, that's usually what matters most.
3. Relax. Interviews are not really interviews at all. They're conversations. Treat them like conversations, and the tension will slowly
dissolve. Remember: when you walk into that office, you don't have the job to begin with. In theory, you have nothing to lose. You either
come out way ahead or back where you started. If you approach the situation with a "win-draw" mentality, most of the pressure will fall by
the wayside.
4. Appearance counts. Before you meet people, virtually the only judgment you can make is based on aesthetics. What you're wearing matters.
What they're wearing matters. How you sit, stand, shake hands, hold your pen and walk up the stairs counts. Not enormously, but enough.
First impressions are huge. Also, how does the building look? Is the lobby clean and organized? Are the cubicles bunched together? Is the
ceiling high or low? Does it look like a fun place to work? Does it invite you to come back?
5. Fit is crucial. All the smarts, skills and experience in the world mean nothing without the right fit. If your values aren't aligned
with those of the company, you're doomed. If you like to have fun and they're always serious, don't even bother. Seriously. The more you
fit in, the more you'll want to come back every day and bust your butt. If you're always at odds with your coworkers, you're going to hate
your job. Simple as that.
6. Liking means more than talent. The days of standing in line and putting decals on widgets is over. People don't hire you because you're
capable. They hire you because they want to work with you. If you don't get along, and get along well, the interview will probably be
fruitless. Unless, of course, you applied for the "Assistant Placer of Decals on Widgets" position...
7. Be persistent. It's incredibly easy to get lazy, give up and feel sorry for yourself. People will turn you down, never call you back,
and forget your name over and over again. None of that matters. What matters is perseverance. If you can't handle losing a few battles
along the way, you're in for a tough road ahead. Getting a job is like winning a war. It takes patience, planning, time, effort, dedication
and a little bit of luck. The chips will fall your way sooner or later. If you stay persistent, you'll at least give yourself a chance to
catch them.
8. Bring an insane amount of (intelligent) questions. Nothing feels worse that not being prepared. If you don't bring loads of questions,
you're not prepared. At some point, the interviewer will ask you what you want to know. For the record, you want to know everything. Be
curious. Be interested. Be engrossed. Ask your question, and then get ready to listen. Don't think of what you're going to say next.
Just soak up every word like a giant sponge. The more questions you ask, the more you'll get out of the experience. And as a bonus, they'll
know you care deeply about their business. When you care about what they care about, you both start to align, and that's when the magic
9. Focus on their needs, not yours. It's tempting to sell ourselves, to talk about how great we are, and to show off our past experiences.
But guess what. No one cares. What they really care about is how your "amazingness" will translate into success for their company. Don't
focus on your talents, focus on what your talents will do for them.
10. Blogging will give you a HUGE leg up. Blogging forces you to analyze, collaborate and create solutions. It also gives you plenty of
ideas for improving customer experiences, businesses and relationships. These skills (among countless others) will give you confidence,
poise, energy and know-how when it comes time to explain yourself. Your insights will be sharper, your thinking will be deeper, and
your ability to express your opinions clearly and concisely will be much stronger. Blogging will prepare you better than any "How-To" book in the world. Trust me.
These 10 things are just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more we can learn from each other about this process as a whole, so please feel free to share.
What are your best interviewing tips? What do you wish you would've known? For those of you who've been on both sides of the table, what have you learned from each situation?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Shower of relief
It’s been quite a long period now since I posted a write up here in my blog. That’s just because of my heavy work load in office. Chennai has come across some of God’s blessings... That’s because of some good people like me who are still staying here. God’s blessing, I mean is the recent rains which hit our place, has really cooled the temperature down. I was waiting for these rains to get a sigh of relief from the scorching heat which was tormenting my beautiful little world. Well, now I sense the cold waves coming in and the hot dog days vanishing off. Hope this continues till me meet the next year’s dare devil in May. Enjoy life and share your experiences you had during this summer.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Coffee Day Galata
After work I went to my grand parent’s house on Saturday. I stayed there for some time and then went home. I receive a call at about 8.15 from Dinesh
Me: sollu machi
Din: w r u. r u free now
Me: s da. Whats up. Shall v meet now
Din: ok ill come to Itch’s house in another 18min
Me: ok da. I will also come there. Bye da
But Itch was not in his house, as he and Mia were outside some where and they said that they would take about an hour to come home. But still I went there and waited for Dinesh to come. I was listening to Lathavadhi song on the radio when he came at about 9.5 in his new Honda Shine. It was such a nice feeling to meet friends after a long time especially with whom you were so close for 2long years. As Itch was not in his house, we decided to go to Coffee Day and wait there for Itch and Mia to come. When we were having a long chat enters Itch along with Mia. Then started all the fun. Fen had pulled Dinesh’s legs earlier so he wanted to have his revenge on him. Dinesh started the topic, that Fenn had a crush on Mia. She did not believe it in the beginning but later on as Itch and I started to tell her more seriously and related some instances which happened in college she started to believe that. The reactions in her face started to change slowly. Small doubts raised in her mind if Fenn had really fallen for her. Pavam girl, she did not know that he had a better taste (just kidding guys). That topic started at about 9.30 and it was so late when we realized only when the server asked us if we had any order. By that time it was well passed 11. For nearly 2hours this topic went on. In the process we could see tears rolling down her cheeks when Dinesh had to pull up a chair and sit next to her to console her. Dinesh is just the same, not changed a bit. He tells things in such a way that any one will believe his lie. His serious looks are very deceiving and we cannot judge as to what he is up too.
Apart from all this, the time we spent together was awesome. Nice fun pulling each one’s legs. These talks we last had when we were in college. This was yet another memorable day which I can take with me for a long time. At last after we came out (before they could send us out) the ice was broken. There we saw a relief in Mia’s eyes. Well Pati , Naya were the words out of her mouth. It was fun fooling a person. Lets do this every week guys.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Death Cant Get Closer Than This

I received these photographs by mail from my friend. Some breath taking moments captured at the right time by some excellent photography skills coupled with bravery and courage. Just think for a second , what would be in the minds of those people who took these photographs and those who were involved in those situations...
Sunday, May 13, 2007
The summer fruit has arrived
Its season time for the yellow fellow to take his stake on the people. Yes, mango's, mango's and mango's every where. The market is being dumped in with a variety of mango's. Vender's have all started selling mango's now. The season has started for mango's and we will all have some refreshment this summer. This is my favorite fruit, which I love the most. I keep waiting for this season to arrive. I eat a lots of mango's, not just I love them, nor just because they are naturally tasty, but they are also very healthy. It’s a very healthy fruit with a lot of vitamins in it. In a recent study made by researchers , they say that if you eat a mango everyday for a month it will give you the needed vitamins for the whole year. So enjoy folks this summer with this rich and delicious fellow fruit.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Rising up the head
Summer has started; the higher grounds (hill stations) are becoming crowded. Chennai is experiencing the worst heat waves in recent years now. Two months back it was winter time but now suddenly we can all feel the heat catching on us. The heat was so great that I was not able to go to a shop near by at 12 this noon. The temperature is slowly rising up towards the 50 degree mark. Our roads can even melt at this heat and this is sure to rise a few more degrees in the next couple of weeks. Water scarcity in the city is the next major forecast that everyone in looking up too. How are we going to fight this life threatening issue this time? Chennai has seen many such situations before. But how many times has it recovered form the losses dumped in by nature? If the people and the government do not wake up to this alarming situation, there is going to be dreadful time ahead.
Who are the sufferers?
In fact all of us. But the roofless, the destitute are the people who get effected by this. They have no place to hide themselves from these demonic heat waves. The scenario is worst in villages, where there is no proper water supply when all their sources of water had already gone dry. Most of us work in air conditioned offices. We never experience this heat once we enter our work place. Times have changed now, where people work when others sleep. We never bother about this, as we don’t see the world once we are in office. If we don’t take care to wake up to this situation. This will eat us and our surroundings. Everyday there is millions of tones of water being wasted by all of us. If we could only save half of that we could make a difference. At least the poor can live on it and the farmers could survive from that. The government introduced the water saving schemes but how far is it effective in serving the needs of the needy. People like us can buy water. But the poor are left even without that choice. Every single drop of water is worth a penny. And every single penny is worth a million for a poor. They can’t afford to buy water. So let us save water. Use it scarcely.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Promoting to become high

Tuesday, May 8, 2007
+one Grace Added
This is yet another day of hard work at office where I had my usual work load. I had no time to spend with my parents and my family members. Work has changed the very course of my life. But I have to take this part of life as it is a part and parcel of a human beings path in this world.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Life has taken its own coure

At work, quite busy now a days. . . . .
Things have changed a lot from my college days, and now I hardly find time. I had all the time in
the world to eat, sleep, room, and enjoy life to its fullest. But now , work and office has taken its toll on me . I very well feel the pressure of work building on me. Nowadays its become very formal, and all my activities including my dressing style has changed a lot. I never saw a formal shirt in my shelf all through my college days and now its only formal shirts and pants. Most of my class mates have got settled into good jobs, each of them facing their own changes in life. Dinesh has got into India Interacts, and has scaled to new heights. The Express had his name published in its paper a couple of days back, as he was the pioneer in starting the Roof top Film Festival. He has had some wonderful experiences since he joined work in that company. There is lots more for him in store. Well Fenn and I have joined the same company and we are having a great time together. Fenn as usual with his blank looks and his deep so called thoughts irritates me sometimes to the core. But we guys are used to that usual stuff and iam now least bothered about what ever he does. He carries his LKG bag when he is in office as he did in college. Some of the staff even asked him and were even curious as to what he had in his bag. I think it will take some years for him to change, or even may not happen.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Sitting at work
Well now I thank God for making me to take up this job. It is very interesting and deals a lot with my subject. This is a very new and an up coming industry as we deal with e-learning. We basically cater to the people working in the ships and in the port. Writing articles and building study modules for them is our key objective. I hope this goes on fine and I will look to build a career in this field
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Mama I’m Leaving You

It seemed that I just joined my master’s degree a fort night ago, but all of a sudden it’s all over now. I am afraid that I may not get to see those best days of my life. We had our farewell a couple of weeks ago and as I was busy with my projects I could not write about it. These 2 years of my stay in mcc was an awesome experience which taught me the essence of life. Life took its most wonderful turn and destiny had to say “this is your gift, my son ‘looking at my friends whom I meet there. I was granted with the best of everything, with no want I lead a carefree life. Now that my college days are coming to an end, I feel that life took me in and now has driven me out. Much more than words that can express and emotions that can be felt. Mcc was my mother, and so I say’ Mama I’m Leaving You’. Times gone by seem to be like a dream, and now the reality of life seems to be eating me up. I like to talk about my life and friends, about the whole concept called MCC.
Itch {Krishna): The tallest and the most wanted guy (mostly among the girls) in my class. He was the first person whom I made friends with. We have been together at all times but hardly spoke to each other in class. It was kind of a un usual thing, but we preferred it that way. I stayed with him for a nearly a year having a typical mcc party every night at his roof top house. Now off course things have changed a lot coz we had to become serious about our lives.
Dinesh: Never understood him for nearly a year. But now I know what real friendship is which I learnt from him. A very nice character and a good person to get along with. A good judge of character and never hesitates to teach others if some one approaches him. ill be missing u a lot dude. I wish you a promising future coz I know that you work hard to achieve what you desire in life.
Fenn: The ultimate friend. It’s not easy to understand his life coz its all confusions, I guess even he does not know that. I like to pull his legs always. He is allways ever willing to help you at all times (except if no girl wants him at that time) .A very prayerful person who seeks God at all times.
I want to tell about all my class mates but I am a bit lazy for that. Deeps ( Deepa ) is one person whom ill be missing a lot. Missed her a lot during the last few days and during the farewell as well. She is my best friend I made among the girls. Well there is Rachell, the Journalist but a little stupid at times. A very sweet person. She always wanted to become a journalist. I admire her language skills a lot. Ruth, is one person whom I became close all of a sudden. We had no reasons to become such close friends, but again destiny played its part and now I thank mcc which gave me the opportunity to meet such a lovely person like her. Soumya, her Mallu accent attracted me. Nice friend, very charming person. Juby. Levin, Korean, Peep, Kushi, Sara, Tanya, Snhea, Meena, Janice, Sai, Andrea, all are too good a people for me to loose. But thanks to the new media which keeps all of us connected. Sundar, a very down to earth person, like to crack jokes and associate himself with cinema. A movie freak in short. He will surely become a successful director. Sharanya is one person ill never and I never can for get. I loved her so much and I still do. I've tried to talk to you and make you understand, but all seemed to be in vain. Its not the words I want to hear from you nor it's not that I want you not to say, but if you only knew, how much I loved you, you would never say no to me.
I know life has much more to say, this is not the end, but just a beginning of a new era. Its time to step into the world of reality, I have to hunt for a job and earn a decent living. Have lots to achieve in life. I know that ill succeed soon.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Discovered a new skill
Friday, March 16, 2007
The third day

F-Stop entered the third day on a high note. There were articles of our event in the De can Chronicle and the Rajasthan Patrika. DC had a color picture of the event in it. News today too had a good write up about the festival. Added to this we had a pretty decent crowd coming in , though we started the day with just about 7of us. It was a bit gloomy and dull in the morning when I meet just itch and smitha in the theater when I went in at 9 (the first show is to shown at 9) but then as the day progressed we had some people coming in. Added to the top class movies which have been screened in the last two days like Amma ariyan, Charulatha, where is my friends home,
The third day has come to an end and slowly the curtains are drawing near. But it has been three full days of entertainment and cheer fun .
The F-STOP Sega Continues
Thursday, March 15, 2007
The unveiling of ‘F-STOP’

Monday, March 12, 2007
My First Press Conference
There is always a saying that hard work pays. It always pays off in due season. After all the hard work and running about for our film festival we conducted a press conference at the press club in mount road. The meeting was supposed to start at 11am and we were not very sure if any news papers would ever turn up for the event. Only at 9 in the morning we realized that the press release was not yet ready. Then we had Rachel at our rescue, she typed the press release in just about 10min and after all the early morning confusion we rushed from Palavanthangal to reach numbakkam station at 10. Forgot to mention we went hunting for a net café to take printouts of the press release on our way to palavanthangal station. . As usual, the morning (peak hours, office goers) we could not board the train and I almost fell at one point. So then we reached numbakkam station , and as we reached mount road (thought we would reach there in time) adding up to our misery, all the traffic were blocked and there was a huge political rally(like not to mention the name of that party which was causing nuisance to the public). But thanks to Rachel she was familiar with the route to the club. It was my first experience, I have not attended any press conference before this, a bit of nerveness and excitement too and I wanted to get on to the stage very badly. To much of our dismay we had more than 8different reporters form different news paper organizations that had come. I, with a laptop with me I sat on the stage along with Dinesh, Itch and two of my juniors too. Dinesh started the meet with his opening talk followed by others.
I spoke with Mr. V . Pugazenthi, senior reporter, Dinakaran.. Though a bit of nerve ness creped in , I managed to gather some confidence and spoke. All the big news papers, like Dinamalar, Dinakaran, Rajasthan Patrika came. Also Maalai Sudar, reporter Balamarugan came. Maalai Sudar is the sister concern of News Today (Rachel is working for News Today). A reporter from Vartha had also come. It was a big day for us packed with excitement and anxiety. This will be our first step towards success because we managed to pull the attention of the media and not mention the fact that we had a write up about our event in the Hindu and the Express the previous day. Our HOD was very pleased with the response we had from the media and hope we have the same from all the colleges in the city whom we have invited for the event.
The main highlight of the festival will be the inauguration of the event by actress Rohini. We do have some eminent speakers like Gautam Bhaskaran, film journalist, The Hindu, Hariharan, Director , LV Prasad film institute, Ramakrishna, Regional manager, NFDC and Sudhish Kamath, Film maker(The Four Letter Word). Some of the finest films ever made will be screened like “Wages of Fear”, “Amma Ariyan”, “Not one Less”, “Casablanca”, “Charulatha”, “Pick Pocket” and many more such films.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
F – STOP Showcasing the finest and brilliant thoughts molded to reality
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
A Sensitive Issue
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Our Alumni Meet’07
It was a very memorable day, especially for our batch as this was the first such meet that was been held by the department of visual communication since the time we had left the college. On Saturday, the 24th at the examination hall, when I was eagerly waiting for that time (it was supposed to start at 12.30 but it started at 1) I was stuck with my documentary project work and had not slept for the past 4days. But with great difficulty I made up my mind to attend the program because I wanted to meet my old friends as it had been almost 2years since I meet some of them. As usual with my wearing thoughts (me in my own dream land) I left home late and reached nmbakkam station only at 12. Added to my frustration I heard that there was an accident (a lorry was hit by a train) and all the trains were running late.
Well I thought I would reach late and so I did reach there at about 12.45. When I was nearing the hall the usual roar from the guys standing at the entrance (it had not started at that time) with an ever pleasing smile from Blessy mam at the entrance welcoming everyone. They started with a prayer as usual at about 1 followed by a small speech by the chief guest. Then it was party time (guys know what that was) with real good briyani (side dish) to follow that. After lunch and all the chit chatting while eating, was some good entertainment by our juniors who performed plays and dances. We were enjoying our talk with each other though not very keen on what was going on, the guys were with a bang of noise and ragging the little ones out there. The best came when each one of us had to introduce our self’s to our juniors ,when I noticed that things had not changed much from our college days with each one having their own problems while facing a crowd(though it was just like a family gathering) . The program was overall good except for the bad choice in the venue.
I personally felt that mrc would have been a better choice than the examination hall. Here, with all sides closed the audio system was so bad that we could hardly hear anything. Over shadowing these things, I had just one thing in mind that was to have fun with my friends and enjoy every second out there. I knew that moments like this will never come back and so I wanted to make full use of that. I got to spend a lot of time with my friends after a long gap. Well everything had to come to an end, when it was 6 and getting dark, I knew that it was time to part each other. All of us had a good gala time, a bit emotional at times as well and some unforgettable moments, we shared.
I like to thank Blessy mam for making this happen and my juniors for taking the effort in organizing things to perfection (except the audio system), but hats off to you guys, as I was able to see all my friends, most of them had come and we had some wonderful time together which I will cherish all my life and hope this continues in the years to come.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Does an ad need an ad??
I had to write an ad for a product or a company in my CA today for my documentary paper. As I was wondering what to do this idea crossed my mind. Well, I thought, I could share my views with you and know your thoughts about my way of looking at things.
Topic: advertisement for an advertising agency:
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Selling an intercom to a trappist Monk
As I am into my final semester and in my last few days of college life there has been many well known companies coming in to recruit students for their organizations. One such company which came to our college was
Selling an intercom to a trappist Monk
Selling intercoms now days in this competitive world is no easy joke. Talking of selling an intercom to a trappist monk is far beyond one’s imagination. It not only requires skill but also the apt facility to meet the requirements of the Monks. It needs careful planning and thought so as not to disturb the norms and sentiments of the Monks. A company trying to sell intercoms to such people should do so with due respect to their religious sentiments and vows taken by the trappist Monks.
Considering all the above, I think the company should look into a new method that would not only preserve their religious values but at the same time sell their product successfully. Though difficult, this can be done by conceiving a new method.
Since conversing is the main hurdle that these Monks face, they are definitely at liberty to use their hands and this will be an advantage to them. Any number of instruments could be located at various convenient places or rooms or work stations as the case may be. A monitor type of a screen should be fitted to every instrument with a key board type of facility attached to it. The ringing tone will be the same but the only difference will be that there will be no verbal communication taking place. As soon as an intercom rings, the Monk who picks up the hand set will not have to verbalize a “hello” but will have to type it out which will reflect on the screen of the caller. Thus conversations can go on without conversing yet the purpose being fulfilled. This will not only relieve them of tensions but also solve the problem of conveying what they want. Work will go on as smoothly as normal life, no delay in work being done nor will work be hindered. Messages could be conveyed easily, quickly and smoothly.
What a remarkable way of changing life for a Trappist Monk – yet maintaining all their religious standards - And For No Extra Cost.
This is my passion
Life is a blank page. And every one of us has got to write something on it. Well I have written the art within my self, the love in me, my compassion towards music in my life’s beautiful page. I thank my grand father and my parents for helping me to script a beautiful verse in the pages of my life
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Un noticed tears
After all the hick up’s and laziness I rushed to college thinking I would be late for class today. However I reached there on time just to find out that no classes were conducted today as all the lecturers had gone to attend a programme. Annoyed a bit I returned home but got a call on the way asking me to attend a discussion headed by a young dynamic lady from
Farewell to Susan mam
It was in August 2006 that we had to say our final words to our head of the department Dr. Susan as she was resigning and moving on to Anna university when we had a farwell function for her. It was then when I first thought of writing something on my own as I wanted to write a peon on her. And this is how it goes……
Oh dearest of our dearest,
The most respectable and knowledgeable
Sweet and calm
The backbone of our department
Our dear Susan mam
But we were privileged to have
The maker of the Oscar, herself
In the midst of us.
A touch of a mother’s hand on our brow,
When we were restless and tossed.
A word from you asking what’s wrong,
When we thought no one noticed
Our silent tears.
A hand on our shoulder when we felt,
Like the world was over.
The care and love that you showed
Despite our short comings
Those sparkling eyes,
That attractive beautiful face,
Those precious words,
Full of knowledge and wealth.
The birth place of love,
And the store house of knowledge
That enthusiastic stride and
That cheerful talk,
These things will never be forgotten,
You were a great leader,
An excellent teacher,
A powerful lecturer,
A profound orator,
And a well respected scholar
Missing you is not just a word to be said,
But an emotion to be felt.
Now that you will not be near us
To guide us and cheer us in our journey of life,
We all have just one word to say
With our eyes filled with tears,
Adieu dear man - - - we miss you
And we will miss you for ever. .
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
My Golden Days
At last iam done
Hello everybody.
At last it is 12:11am now 7 th of feb 2007 that i have created my blog. I am so glad that i did this after much of struggle...
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