This is a universal language as it lets you understand what the song is about and feel its emotions even if you don’t understand the lyrics.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Music, the language of the heart and soul
This is a universal language as it lets you understand what the song is about and feel its emotions even if you don’t understand the lyrics.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Media and Global Warming
Is global warming a sign of destruction? Well scientists and other scholars predict that this could well be the end of mankind from the face of this earth. Some say that this would destroy a major part of the earth, which could erase a part of human’s extinction. We would soon be an untraceable element in this planet. They say that global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth’s climate forever. This is why we experience sever climatic conditions like never before. It has never been so hot in the month of March itself. We are heading towards terrible days ahead of us. Given the current scenario, I think that the heat waves have not yet started though we feel the heat creeping up our head.
Scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate carrying out global warming research have recently predicted that average global temperatures could increase between 1.4 and 5.8 °C by the year 2100. Changes resulting from global warming may include rising sea levels due to the melting of the polar ice caps, as well as an increase in occurrence and severity of storms and other severe weather events. These series of climatic changes would lead to several issues concerning climate, food, destruction and economic breakdown.
Media’s role in global warming:
Media is the only tool through which people can learn more about this serious problem and could take necessary steps to control these changes and prolong man’s life on this planet. Much of what people learn about global warming comes from news sources like television, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, films and radio. In today’s age, most people get their view of the world from mainstream media. It is, therefore, important that mainstream media be objective and present accurate and diverse representations of what goes on around the world.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I entrust my unknown future on a known God
With all the possible things we do in our daily life, the degrees we learn, the work we do, and the things we aspire for, finally we end up in no man’s land. This is a fact in the sense that, all these things make up something in the society and help us achieve what we want in life but yet get us nowhere at the end of this life. Then what are we living for? It is just for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Though we don’t achieve anything in this life or though we don’t make a mark in this society, there is one hop for us if we only obey the will of Jesus and walk according to His word. We get to live for eternity. Even the richest person on this earth cannot achieve this great hope of living through eternity. Even his works in the earth is limited only to this lifetime. But we a have hope and a purpose to live for. This gives us a way to live forever. I have a ray of hope that others don’t have.
No person can predict his future. No one can be sure of what his future would be. There will be a doubt in everybody’s mind about his or her future. There is only uncertainty prevailing everywhere. This world may get destroyed anytime. That’s what the scientists predict as well. Global warming crisis is creeping into everyone’s minds these days. Incurable diseases are found on the rise everywhere. We never know when it would affect us. We might have got many degrees behind our name and work as even the general manager of the biggest company in this world, but still there is only uncertainty before him. But I “entrust my unknown future on a known God”. I have submitted my unknown future in the hands of my God, the Lord Jesus Christ. I am now certain about my destiny. I know what I will do and where I will go.
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