There is an equal and opposite reaction ......
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
God favors me always
For a long time now, God has been good to me; perhaps His grace is there for every good person. Surrounded by cricket fanatics from my childhood days, I always wanted to watch a cricket match in the stadium, Though I watch every match when
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
A biker’s curse – Part 2
To facilitate the driving of these high speed vehicles, I strongly suggest that the government improve the quality of the roads with clear demarcation of lanes for these vehicles. It is also recommended that dividers be provided to avoid collision with on-coming vehicles.
Accidents do happen. We cannot avoid them. But proper and careful driving can definitely reduce the number of accidents. As I mentioned earlier, if there are proper roads laid, accidents can be avoided. In most countries there are roads for different speed limits. Bikes under a certain category can only be driven in these lanes. Even in some of our highways where there are four and six lane roads, we seldom hear of such accidents. That is because the traffic is regulated and they are less prone to hit each other.
Converting roads into race tracks is totally out of question and irrelevant if the Government takes proper precautionary steps as mentioned above and allows high speed vehicles to enjoy driving their vehicles on the roads meant for high speed driving.
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